Thursday, September 16, 2010

Things I Love Thursday

♥ Double decker red nail polish, greek yogurt, leaving my phone in his car, mix cds in the mail, studying maps, relationship updates!, thinking I start work at 12 only to realise I don't start until 2pm, breakfast together, my walls, hardcore conga line, familiar faces in Melbourne, brown rice, wall of love, butter, new FB friends, late night pancakes, old married couples, cardigans at work!, forehead kisses, pearl nail polish, when he brings me onion rings, birds that chirp pretty chirps real loud in the morning, my first invite to an engagement party!, Triple J, the patterns on the inside of bill envelopes, men that bake me raspberry muffins, Mexican meet ups, anticipating new stock at work, getting organised, talking about food, making him breakfast, foreign train tickets, cinnamon in my coffee, reading poetry to my boyf, my Dockers, a good library visit, men that make me tea, taking a photo a day, Boosh with Baileys, living in my shoebox, after dinner hot chocolates, eyespying new op shops, chin up moments, talking to customers about Kenya, country folk , Malaysian restaurant garnishes, Christian hardcore, dreaming of Cornerstone festival, dreams with Bruce Springsteen in them, vanilla toothpaste, singing in his car, massive tubes filled with smores ingredients, bulk soda, days off together, sharing ice cream sundaes, super hero undies, crossing fingers for the house with carpet and the porch, finally reading again, tax returns.

Whoa, that's a whole lotta love this week! I haven't done one in a few weeks, woops!


  1. Aw, what a lovely list, and a splendid week you must have had! Hooray! :)

  2. I love your TiLTs, they're always so absolutely love-filled and gorgeous :)

  3. It sounds like life is good, lady! Hope you are well!
