Friday, April 2, 2010

101 Project: March update

Inspired by the Day Zero Project!
Start : 11th March 2010 Finish : 7th December 2012
Italic = in process of completing Bold = completed
My full 101 in 1000 Days list here

1. Make 101 blog
This is my 101 blog, now I just have to maintain it!

2. Do monthly 101 Project update on blog (1/34)
At the end of every month I will see what I have completed and what I still need to do

3. Try online dating
Blerghhh, yes, I have a profile on Oasis Active and have received some flirts and chatted to a few boys. I much prefer the old fashioned way, you know.. meeting in real life.

4. Go on a date.
I wore a super cute dress and he bought me bubble tea and we held hands by the river and afterwards he sent me adorable texts.. it was cute. But now it's over, sadly.

16. Take one photo of myself a month (1/34)
Just as I was half way through this task my camera went into a coma. Just froze. Mysterious. But still, got a photo of me with bed hair and blood shots eyes, nice.

17. See dentist
3 fillings later and I must remember to floss more!

20. Paint nails once a month (1/34)
I painted them pastel shimmer pink for my date. Even matched my cardigan!

23. Buy a lingerie set
It's got florals, it's cute, but I have no reason to wear it in the foreseeable future.

29. Have a weekly face mask , now known "Have a monthly face mask" (1/34)
I've decided that weekly is not very realistic for so I will striving to do one monthly, at least. I finally used the black face mask I got from Japan.. it is literally black paint and when it dries it peels off and takes your blackheads/clogged pores with it! It's a bit magical and I really should endeavor to do it more often.

61. Give up coffee
I have never been a coffee addict as such, but I do wish to eradicate it from my diet as I don't like it when it gives me heart palpitations, strange that. So the goal is to only drink it when out with friends "for coffee" as a special occasion and not to drink everyday before work and/or at work.

77. Go to church
Technically, I did go to church but it was for a funeral. I would like to go back again for a normal service. Even though I don't understand most of it or even believe in most of it, it makes me feel less alone

96. Read at least 1 novel a month (1/34)
I read Return to Barsaloi by Corrine Hoffman. I love her stories about Kenya. Also, I watched the White Masai movie at last and loved it. Travel narratives = best genre.

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