Sunday, June 6, 2010

101 Project: May update

Inspired by the
Day Zero Project!
Start : 11th March 2010 Finish : 7th December 2012
Italic = in process of completing Bold = completed
Full list here

2. Monthly 101 blog update (3/33)

13. Go 7 days without Facebook

14. Take one photo of myself a month (3/33)
Yeah, I know I don't post the photos of myself but doesn't mean they haven't been taken. Maybe I will post them all at once so you can be like "omgwtfbqq, who is that?"

18. Do not smoke

24. Paint nails once a month (2/33)
NOPE. At my work I quite often have to use really sharp hunting style knives and one day late last month I managed to maim my poor little pointer finger rendering it well, quite hacked up. It has finally recovered now though.

29. Have a monthly face mask (3/33)
I hate doing face masks when my family is home because I don't want to leave the bathroom at risk of freaking them out. I know, it's stupid. Whatevs. I did my almighty Japanese mask only once this month.

61. Give up coffee
Haha, not really! I have consumed at least one coffee a day for the past 2 weeks. I started off with tea but then we ran out so lately, it's only coffee that I want. Plus buying hot tea from a cafe is such a rip.

67. Watch 10 foreign films (1/10)
I watched My Life as a Dog (Swedish) I think this was my first ever film I have seen in Swedish. It isn't my usual kind of movie that I usually like but in the end I did like it.

76. Go to the theatre.
I saw Don Quixote at the ballet! It was fun to dress up and to drink champagne and sit in the pews and try to understand the story line. I think there were too many male characters in this one for me to understand who was the main man but still lovely to watch.

81. Make 5 people mixcds (2/5)
Yes, I made my penpals in Dubai & Utah lovely mixes.

82. Find 10 new bands to love (2/10)
To really love a band you need to love more than just one of their songs right? Well, I really like all of the Temper Traps songs so they are whom I have fallen for this month. And then theres lots of other bands that I just thrash one of their songs so they don't count (yet)

92. Do 20 assignments from Learning To Love You More (4/20)
Here and here.

93. Watch all the movies mentioned in Perks of Being a Wallflower (1/11)
My Life as a Dog.

95. Listen to all the songs mentioned in Perks of Being a Wallflower

96. Read at least one novel a month (3/33)
I read Mike Gayle's Brand New Friend. I also read He's Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt & Liz Tuccillo and finished it in 2 days! Initially I didn't like reading what they were saying but in the end it made me realise that this douche of a boy I was seeing is not worth my time and is infact an absolute ****. I loved the movie but didn't think I would like the book but I really did and I highlighted soooooo many pages from it too. "Don't waste the pretty" ♥ I also finally read How to Breathe Underwater by Julie Orringer which wasn't the book I thought it was to begin with but I still really enjoyed the shorts stories.

101. Write a letter to myself to read at the end of the 1000 days
Done! I found this cool site called
Future Me and basically you write a letter/email and then in sends it to you.. one day, any day you like! Can you imagine getting a email in the year 2060? YIKES.


  1. i need to do one of these. but 101 daunts me, maybe i'll make a mini one. your list is great! if you want some foreign movie recommendations let me know, i have a few gooduns :)

  2. you should definitely post the pictures of yourself!
    and congrats on not going on facebook! i maybe could go with out facebook..but definitely not twitter! haha.
    going to the theater is such a great goal! i need to do that..
    i love future letters! i wrote one to myself at the beginning of highschool that was to myself when i graduate highschool. it was way too funny to read.

    good luck with the rest of your goals! AND way to go with the ones you've completed!!

  3. i've put my life as a dog on my lovefilm list (rental service) now :)
